Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring Fling Blog hop

I live on the East Coast and after 68 inches of snow I am ready for some spring fling. Mind you we are supposed to get more weather this week.

  Everyone is stir crazy and there are piles of snow everywhere. It is hard to get through the day and come home with energy to write but in the middle of this a friend and I decided to write together. We have different styles of working and since she is much more the planer than I am, I thought it would feel more like work. Sure, fun work. Work that I would learn a lot from but still work.

  I have to say it has been much more like play with a good friend. Sure, adult play. Play that I am learning from but still play. I don’t know if it is the weather or not but my new character is an herbalist. I’ve spent the past few weeks thinking about plants and greenhouses. Anything is better than thinking about the constant snow and ice. Her boyfriend is a hockey player, so I still have ice in my life but still there are more plants.

  Comment with your e-mail address and you will be entered for my give away of a $10 gift certificate for Amazon or B+N a hockey charm bracelet and a copy of one of my stories. I’ll be giving away three prize packs. You will also be entered for the Books to go now prizes!


  1. I love Urban Fantasy and Hockey :) What a great idea to pair these up.
    Thanks for a chance at the giveaway.
    Happy writing.
    bonn 1511 at aol dot com

  2. Thanks for being a part of the Spring Fling Blog Hop!

  3. Ice always sounds so romantic to me, but given the fact that I was miserable during the northern California cold snap this winter (which would make any Easterner chuckle), perhaps I'm better off just visiting it in a rink!


  4. I love Spring. And hockey :). Thanks for the giveaway!

    mimismithblue AT gmail DOT com

  5. Spring can't come soon enough for me. I'll look today to see if the tulips are poking through the snow yet. Good luck with your new book.
    morgankwyatt AT juno DOT com

  6. I am so ready for spring myself. We have had tempts in the 50's past couple of days so our snow is melting.

    quiltlady110 AT gmail DOT com

  7. I celebrate Spring by beautifying my front porch with all manner of plants, flowers and decorative pots. I finish up with a new cushion for my favorite chair and I'm set for endless days of reading and relaxing.


  8. Thanks for the hop.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  9. I celebrate spring by doing the annual spring cleaning. Out with the old, in with the new!

    jacobsone AT katewwdb DOT com

  10. Thanks for the chance to win!
    I love Spring!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  11. I celebrate Spring by buying some mini daffodils in pots, and putting them in my kitchen. We won't see them in the garden until close to June.

  12. Thanks for the giveaway!


  13. I love hockey romances and I wish I could think about plants but all I see outside is white. lot and lots of white. kumquat8 at hotmail dot com

  14. I'm ready to start thinking about plants and green! I really hope to get some succulents started in my kitchen sometime soon!

  15. I so hear you on the snow we have gotten about 55-60 inches and I hate it! Everywhere you go you see mounds of it. Thanks for sharing and I hope spring comes soon to us all! Sending warm thoughts your way!
    amybowens34 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  16. I love urban fantasy and I am an avid jewelry fanatic, so you've hooked me right in! I would love to read your work, so I look forward to finding out tons more about you. michelle_willms at yahoo dot com.

  17. I can't wait until I'm able to plant my garden and go swimming.


  18. I look forward to reading your book. Thanks for the opportunity. email:

  19. Thanks for the giveaway!
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  20. What a fun hop! Thank you and happy spring!! :)
    writeforward at yahoo dot com

  21. Hi! Great post! I love the spring! Im so excited for all the snow to go away, all the flowers to bloom, etc. Thank you for sharing and being apart of this great hop!
