Monday, October 22, 2012

Shooting Low

I signed up for a mini-nano. The stated goal is 250 words a day. I know that the writers reading this blog are thinking something along the lines of ‘that’s it?’

But it is November and shooting low is the best I can do. I travel for work in November and when I travel for work I’m on the go from 7:30 am to about 11 pm, that doesn’t leave time for a real stab at nano.
The past few months I’ve been pushing hard both as a writer and as a person. I’ve finished the final edits on the novel during a month that I worked 29 days straight. I’ve worked my way right into writers block.

It happens from time to time. You can see the characters and maybe even the plot, but you can’t get it to move onto the page.

If I push hard for a long time when I stop, I stop dead.

For the past few days I’ve been looking at a blinking cursor, trying to wish the ideas out of my head and onto the paper. Over the years I’ve learned that to re-start myself I need to start slow and shoot low.

So for the next month I’m going to be shooting low. Hopeing that low word count will get me back in the habbit of meating goals in my extreamly limited free time.

How about you? How do you get back in the swing of things after time away?


  1. It would be wonderful if every day we got up, did the things that are mandatory in our lives, then came home and our fingers magically began to write the lovely words from our head without stopping for a break. But it doesn't always work like that. I do feel guilty when I don't write, like I'm letting someone down; that someone being me, myself, and I. But I know that when my fingers are ready to cooperate with my brain, the two will meet up and get me excited about a new world with new and exciting characters.

    Good luck with your "mini nano!"

    1. thank you. I'll need luck becasue I will be on a work trip for a good deal of it.
