Monday, May 28, 2012

Where I have been all your life

Well really only for the past two weeks.  I know that I’ve been woefully absent since the middle of the month and I didn’t say I was going on a hiatus.  I know that I should tell people when I am going away, but I never seem to manage it. 
For four days I was at Pennwriters with my mother.  It was a lot of fun and I got to meet great people, some of whom I knew on-line, some of my mom’s friends and some that I had never met.  I’m planning on doing a whole blog post of who I met and what I did while I was there this week. 
It takes me awhile to assimilate things in my mind to get to the point of being able to really talk about things.  I’m not the person who can come home from these things in a cloud of creative energy and can just jump into everything.
That said, I have set up new facebook, twitter and a Pintrest under my ‘pen name’ (my full formal name) and as soon as I get them all spiffy I’ll let everyone know. 
When we got home I had a lot of work to catch up on as well as some editing that I had to get off of my ‘to do list’ and a few things that needed to be handled for my various ‘other jobs’, now that all that is mostly off of my list I can get back to working on a piece for my step-daughter. 
This week looks like it is going to be a scorcher at least for the first half of the week, so I may be done in by the time I get home at night.  Sometimes that is the most creative times for me, of course when I get over heated all I want to do is eat ice-cream and watch bad television. 
How about you guys? What’s been up with you?  

Monday, May 7, 2012

So my question today is where do you create?  I was going to say write, but there are artists and musicians on my friends list as well. 

This can be taken in two ways I could mean ‘where do you sit to create?’ or I could mean ‘where is your work set?’

I guess I probably mean both. 

When creating is easy for me I can do it sitting on my bed or in the room that is our office/library.  When things aren’t going as well I have a place in my room where people can’t see me from the door.  It is a pretty small area and my husband laughs about it, but I can get a lot done in my little space.  And I can reach most of my reference books without moving much.   

When I write my fiction is mostly set in and around Boston.  The funny thing is that when I lived in Boston my fiction was all set in the ‘greater Philadelphia area’ – I don’t know why I always where I am not living but it seems easier somehow.  Maybe the distance makes my vision clearer?

How about you guys? Do you have a favorite place to create? Or a favorite place to set your creations?

Oh and by the way, I do use a scratching post as desk – it is a perfect height and the cats like to climb in and out of it while I am writing.