Sunday, October 9, 2011

does your writing surprise you?

I never meant to write about hockey. I’ve written about all sorts of things, fairies, artists a minister that kills demons, but only my hockey stories have really sold.

I am working on my first novel, one that was contracted on the strength of the first 20K words and today I’m wondering why my hockey stories sell and not my stories set in museums or hospitals.

Did I tap into some upcoming genre that I didn’t know existed when I wrote my first story about a shape shifting hockey player?

Is there really room for someone who writes ‘paranormal sports romance’?

Come to think of it how did I, one of the least romantic people I know, end up writing romances?

I guess part of being a writer is that you get to surprise yourself all the time, and I have certainly surprised myself. The novel I’m working on is not what I have imagined I would write, but that doesn’t make me love it less.

How about you? Has your writing life surprised you in any way?